Curriculum topics

Each yeargroup has a series of curriculum topics they will learn throughout the year. The title of each topic is expressed as questions, reflecting an enquiry based approach to learning. Topics are cross-curricular (where meaningful), without losing the subject specific skills and knowledge. As well as enquiry themes for specific year groups, the children also enjoy schoolwide theme weeks or days linked to national events and celebrations or international days.


Year 1

These are the Creative Curriculum topics for year 1.

Why are iPads more fun than Grandpa’s toys?

In this topic we will be learning about what it was like to be a child in our grandparents era. We will look at what toys were popular in the 1950’s and 1960’s, and how classrooms have changed since then.

Why can’s penguins live near the equator?

In this topic we will learn about the different climates of the world. We will also learn how to identify areas on a globe, such as the North pole, South Pole and the Equator.

Where do/did the wheels on the bus go?

In this topic we will be learning about different types of vehicles that we use.

Year 2

These are the Creative Curriculum topics for year 2.

Where would you prefer to live: England or Kenya?

In this topic we will learn about the continent of Africa. We will learn about it’s geographical features, wildlife, art and culture. We will be comparing life in a school in Nairobi with Bradford.

Was the Great Fire of London really ‘great’?

In this topic we will learn to identify significant historical events by recounting the Great Fire of London. We will look at comparing people and places in Bradford to London; identify famous landmarks in London. And comparing life in 1666 to life now.

What do we know about the Victorians and how they lived?

In this topic we will learn about the Victorian era. We will learn about the life of Queen Victoria. We will also learn about the history of Bradford and how it has changed over the years. We will also have a Victorian day, where we will experience what life was like for Victorian school children.

Would you like to be beside the seaside

In this topic we will be comparing life on the coast to life in cities and rural villages. We will be learning about the physical geography, and studying the features of the environment.

Year 3

These are the Creative Curriculum topics for year 3.

Who first lived in Britain?

In this topic we will learn about the history of Britain and what life was like for the people living in different periods in time, including the Stone age, Bronze age and Iron age.

Why were the Ancient Greeks ruled by their Gods?

In this topic we will learn about the history of Greece and what the Greeks have done for us. We will be looking at Greek Gods, Greek philosophers and architecture in Ancient Greece.

What makes the earth angry?

In this topic we will learn about Volcanoes. We will learn about how they are formed, and what happens when they erupt.

Year 4

These are the Creative Curriculum topics for year 4.

Why are most of the world’s cities located by rivers?

In this topic we will learn about the main features of a river. We will look at some of the largest rivers in the world and why many major cities developed around rivers.

How can we recreate the wonder of Ancient Egypt?

In this topic we will learn about the Ancient Egyptians. We will look at the building of the great pyramids, as well as ancient Egyptian culture and beliefs, and the rule of the pharaohs.

Who were the Romans and what did we learn from them?

In this topic we will learn about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. We will look at the Roman conquest of Britain by Claudius, and the building of Hadrian’s Wall. We will also look at the impact it had, from technology to culture and beliefs, including early Christianity.

Year 5

These are the Creative Curriculum topics for year 5.

Who were the Anglo-Saxons?

In this topic we will learn about the Anglo-Saxons. We will look at the different tribes that made up the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, how they settled in Britain and where they came from. We will also learn about how their language influenced modern English.

What was life like for a child in WW2?

In this topic we will learn about World War 2. We will look at the causes and impact of the war. We will focus on significant people and events of the war.

Why should the Rainforest matter to all of us?

In this topic we will learn about the Amazon Rainforest, it’s location and features. We will also look at the environmental impact of the Rainforest and the effects of deforestation.

Year 6

These are the Creative Curriculum topics for year 6.

Why was the Islamic civilisation known as the Golden Age?

In this topic we will look at early Islamic civilizations in what was known as the Golden Age. We will learn how Baghdad became the centre of culture and learning between the 8th and 13th century AD, and how Islamic scholars and inventors developed mathematical and technological advances we still use today.

Why has Brazil got one of the World’s fastest growing economies?

In this topic we will be looking at Brazil, focusing on their culture and geography. We will study the similarities and differences between Brazil and the UK.

Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious?

In this topic we will learn about the Vikings. We will learn about Viking culture, and about their settlements in England.