
The local governing board of the school is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that pupils receive high quality education and that the conduct of the school reflects this aim.
  • Working with the Headteacher on the strategic planning and management of the school.
  • Considering and agreeing the aims and policies of the school.
  • Discussing and approving the targets for improvement.
  • Appointing the staff.
  • Setting and monitoring the budget.
  • Monitoring the performance of the school.
  • Reporting to the parents and community on how we have accomplished our task.

Contacting governors

You can contact the Governors via the school office, either by email or by post:
Margaret McMillan Primary School
Scotchman Road
Bradford, BD9 5DF

Current list of Governors

Parent Governors (elected by parent body)

Mohammed Jaleel Ahmed
Term of Office: 14/01/2020 to 13/01/2024, 2nd term 14/01/2024 to 13/01/2028
Link Governor Responsibilities: Effective implementation of the curriculum
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Sister works as a Lunchtime Supervisor at MMPS
Attendance 2020-21: 3/4 meetings
Attendance 2021-22: 3/5 meetings
Attendance 2022-23: 1/4 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 1/3 meetings

Nazia Younas
Term of Office: 07/11/2022 to 06/11/2026
Link Governor Responsibilities: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Relevant Business Interests: Taits Pharmacy
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Family members work as TLP and Cover Supervisor at MMPS.
Attendance 2022-23: 3/3 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 3/3 meetings

Staff Governors (elected by staff, except the Headteacher who serves as a governor ex office)

John Grimshaw
Term of Office: 26/05/2021 to 25/05/2025
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Spouse works at Westbourne Primary School.
Attendance 2020-21: 1/1 meetings
Attendance 2021-22: 2/5 meetings
Attendance 2022-23: 2/2 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 2/3 meetings

Richard Walker – Headteacher
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: Member of Bradford College Steering Group
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2021-22: 3/5 meetings
Attendance 2022-23: 2/2 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 3/3 meetings

Co-opted Governors (appointed by Trustees)

Elizabeth Hellmich MBE – Chair
Term of Office: 27/03/2015 to 26/03/2019, 2nd term 27/03/2019 to 26/03/2023, 3rd term 27/03/2023 to 26/03/2027
Link Governor Responsibilities: Safeguarding/Attendance and achievement/Wellbeing/Communication
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: Millan Centre/Stage 84, Yorkshire School of Performing Arts/St Barnabas CE Primary School.
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2020-21: 4/4 meetings
Attendance 2021-22: 5/5 meetings
Attendance 2022-23: 4/4 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 3/3 meetings

Basharat Hussain – Vice Chair
Term of Office: 27/03/2015 to 26/03/2019, 2nd term 27/03/2019 to 26/03/2023, 3rd term 27/03/2023 to 31/07/2025
Link Governor Responsibilities: Leadership and management/Appraisal/New governor induction
Relevant Business Interests: Works at Shipley College
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Spouse works as a Lunchtime Supervisor in school
Attendance 2020-21: 4/4 meetings
Attendance 2021-22: 4/5 meetings
Attendance 2022-23: 2/4 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 2/3 meetings

Huma Javed
Term of Office: 05/06/2023 to 04/06/2027
Link Governor Responsibilities: Personal Development/Pupil voice/Attitudes to learning
Relevant Business Interests: Teaching Personnel
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Father is a trustee of The PAT.
Attendance 2022-23: 1/1 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 2/3 meetings


Governors who have served during the past year

Lorraine Martin – Former Headteacher
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2020-21: 4/4 meetings
Attendance 2021-22: 5/5 meetings
Attendance 2022-23: 3/4 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 1/1 meetings

Jenny Wilson
Term of Office: 27/06/2023 to 26/06/2027
Link Governor Responsibilities: N/A
Relevant Business Interests: Just Mortgages (self-employed trading under JM)
Other Educational Establishments Governed: Committee member of Shelf Pre-school
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None.
Attendance 2022-23: N/A
Attendance 2023-24: 0/3 meetings