Year 6

Year 6 has children aged 10-11 years old. Year 6 is the final year of primary school, and children are expected to complete their SAT’s exams in Reading, Writing and Maths. We have 3 classes in year 6, with 30 pupils in each class.

The classes are named after famous people, They are Mandela, Rowling and Malala.

The teachers for 2024/25 in Year 6 are Miss Yasin in Mandela, Mrs Simmonds in Rowling, Mrs Batty in Malala. They are supported by Teaching and Learning Partner Mrs Banaei.

What will we be learning this Year?

Autumn 1 Term

Curriculum Theme: How can we live sustainably?
Literacy: Character description.
Supporting texts: Trash by Andy Mulligan.
Science: Classification.
Maths: Place Value, Four number operation.

Autumn 2 Term

Curriculum Theme: What makes a civilisation significant? (ancient islamic civilisation)
Literacy: Narrative.
Supporting texts: Trash by Andy Mulligan.
Science: Classification.
Maths: Fractions.

Spring 1 Term

Curriculum Theme: Is it possible to build a permanent settlement in Antartica?
Literacy: Non-Chronological report.
Supporting texts: Darwin’s dragons by Lindsey Galvin.
Science: Evolution and Adaptation.
Maths: Decimals and percentages.

Spring 2 Term

Curriculum Theme: Is it possible to build a permanent settlement in Antartica? (Continued)
Literacy: Instructions.
Supporting texts: Where the world turns wild by Nicola Penfold.
Science: Circulatory system.
Maths: Geometry.

Summer 1 Term

Curriculum Theme: What is the impact of War? (WW2)
Literacy: Diary.
Supporting texts: After the war by Tom Palmer.
Science: Light
Maths: Revision through project work.

Summer 2 Term

Curriculum Theme: What is the impact of War? (Continued)
Literacy: Letter.
Supporting texts: Once by Morris Glietzman.
Science: Electricity
Maths: Revision through project work.